Standard i cijena arhitektonskih usluga - Međunarodna konferencija HKA / Scope of Architectural Services and Fees - CCA International Conference / PREUZIMANJE PREDAVANJA / DOWNLOAD OF LECTURES
Održana je Međunarodna konferencija HKA / Standard i cijena arhitektonskih usluga, u dvorani Brijuni Zagrebačkog velesajma. Konferenciji, koja je trajala od 13. do 14. listopada, su u oba dana prisustvovali oko 700 sudionika, koji su za tu temu izrazili veliko zanimanje. U nastavku donosimo Zaključke konferencije i poveznice na preuzimanje prezentacija i video-klipove.
The International Conference CCA / Scope of Architectural Services and Fees was held in the Brijuni Hall of the Zagreb Fair. The conference, which lasted from October 13 to 14, was attended by about 700 participants on both days, who expressed great interest in the topic. Below we present the conclusions of the conference and links to download presentations and video clips.
DUBRAVKO BAČIĆ / HR / download lecture // video-clip
AXEL PAULUS / CH / download lecture // video-clip
CARLA LIMA VIEIRA / PT / download lecture // video-clip
KORNEL KOBÁK / SK / download lecture // video-clip
ALEXANDRU GAVOZDEA / RO / download lecture // video-clip
DAMIR MANCE / HR / download lecture // video-clip
MATTHIAS PFEIFER / D / download lecture // video-clip
FRANK STASI / AT / download lecture // video-clip
MIMA SUHADOLC / SI / download lecture // video-clip