Standard i cijena arhitektonskih usluga - Međunarodna konferencija HKA / Scope of Architectural Services and Fees - CCA International Conference / O PREDAVAČIMA / ABOUT THE LECTURERS / Zagreb, 13. i 14.10.2022.
(program pri dnu stranice / please scroll down for the program)
Konferencija će se moći pratiti uživo i putem virtualne platforme / The conference will be able to be followed live and via a virtual platform
Datum održavanja: 13. i 14. 10. 2022. / Date of event: October 13 and 14, 2022.
Dvorana Brijuni, Zagrebački Velesajam / Brijuni Hall, Zagreb Fair
Standard i cijena arhitektonskih usluga
Međunarodna konferencija HKA
Hrvatska komora arhitekata organizira međunarodnu konferenciju o standardu i cijenama arhitektonskih usluga, u Zagrebu, 13. i 14. listopada 2022. godine. Glavni cilj Konferencije je detaljnije informiranje članstva, ali i hrvatske stručne i zainteresirane javnosti o standardima arhitektonskih usluga u europskim zemljama, uobičajenim razinama opsega i sadržaja arhitektonske projektno-tehničke dokumentacije, te aktualnim stanjem cijena arhitektonskih usluga u EU.
Suvremeno koncipiran standard arhitektonskih usluga – definiranje osnovnih i dodatnih projektantskih poslova, razine razrade, sadržaj i opseg projektno-tehničke dokumentacije – od presudne je važnosti za kvalitetu izrade i vođenja projekata, dobru izvedbu, uspješno poslovanje arhitektonskih ureda, kvalitetnu suradnju sa svim sudionicima u gradnji, te, posljedično, za položaj arhitektonske struke u društvu općenito. Sveukupno podizanje razine standarda arhitektonskih usluga i, s uslugama usklađeno, adekvatno tržišno vrednovanje arhitektonskih usluga dugoročno značajno doprinosi kvaliteti izgrađenog okoliša i afirmaciji presudne uloge koju u graditeljskom procesu imaju upravo arhitekti.
Upoznavanje s postojećim standardima arhitektonskih usluga u EU važan je korak u kontinuiranim aktivnostima Komore prema izradi novih standarda arhitektonskih usluga i definiranju smjernica za izračun financijske naknade arhitektonskih usluga u Hrvatskoj. Na Konferenciji će govoriti kolege arhitekti iz Austrije, Njemačke, Portugala, Rumunjske, Slovačke, Slovenije, Švicarske i Velike Britanije, iskusni projektanti i eksperti za pitanja standarda i cijena arhitektonskih usluga. Sudionici Konferencije moći će postavljati pitanja predavačima, a na kraju skupa održat će se i okrugli stol na temu europskih iskustava i budućnosti standarda i cijena arhitektonskih usluga. Konferencija će se u cijelosti odvijati na engleskom jeziku u hibridnom obliku, odnosno u živo na mjestu odvijanja konferencije ili putem on-line platforme.
Registracija i sudjelovanje (ili putem prijenosa uživo) na Konferenciji je BESPLATNO za članove HKA!
Scope of Architectural Services and Fees
CCA International Conference
The Croatian Chamber of Architects is organizing an international conference on the Scope of Architectural Services and Fees in Zagreb, on October 13 and 14, 2022. The main goal of the Conference is to inform the membership, as well as the Croatian professional and interested public, about the standards of architectural services in European countries, the typical levels of scope and content of architectural design and technical documentation, and the current state of fees for architectural services in the EU.
A modern standard of architectural services - definition of basic and additional design work, level of elaboration, content and scope of project-technical documentation - is of crucial importance for the quality of design documentation development and project management, quality construction, successful office and bussiness management, quality cooperation with all participants in construction process, and, consequently, for the position of the architectural profession in the society in general. The overall raising of the standard of architectural scope of services and, aligned with the services, adequate compensation of architectural services significantly contributes to the quality of the built environment in the long run, and to the affirmation of the crucial role played by architects in the construction process.
Acquaintance with the existing standards of architectural services in the EU is an important step in the continuous activities of the Chamber towards the creation of new standards of architectural services and the definition of guidelines for the calculation of financial compensation for architectural services in Croatia. Fellow architects from Austria, Germany, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Switzerland and Great Britain, experienced designers and experts on issues of standards and fees of architectural services will speak at the Conference. Participants will be given the opportunity to ask questions to the lecturers, and at the end of the meeting, a round table-discussion will be held on the subject of European experiences and the future of standards of architectural services and fees. The conference will be held entirely in English in a hybrid format, i.e. live at the conference venue or via an online platform.
O predavačima / About the lecturers:

Matthias Pfeifer, Dipl.Ing. Arch., stariji je partner u RKW Architektur +, velikoj i uspješnoj međunarodnoj arhitektonskoj praksi sa sjedištem u Düsseldorfu, sa ekspertizom u arhitektonskom dizajnu, dizajnu interijera, niskogradnji, upravljanju projektima, nadzoru gradilišta i upravljanju troškovima. Matthias se pridružio RKW-u 1986., postavši partner 1992. 1998. godine, nakon što je RKW+Partner preimenovan u RKW Architektur + Städtebau GmbH & Co. KG, Matthias Pfeifer postao je član upravnog odbora, a 2000. direktorski partner. Tijekom godina, Matthiasovo područje projektiranja i stručnost kontinuirano su rasli (prodajne i uredske zgrade, multipleks kina, urbanističko planiranje). Drugi fokus rada Matthiasa Pfeifera bilo je uvođenje BIM metode planiranja u RKW, a također je uključen u razne odbore za implementaciju BIM-a u Sjevernoj Rajni-Vestfaliji i Saveznoj komori arhitekata te također u razvoju nacionalnih standarda u tom području . Dio toga je i daljnji razvoj nacionalne regulative o naknadama za arhitekte i inženjere, posebno u području BIM-a. Matthias je član Zastupničke skupštine i Odbora za digitalizaciju Komore Sjeverne Rajne-Vestfalije. Predsjeda Savjetodavnim odborom za dizajn u Moersu i također je član Odbora za urbanistički dizajn u Essenu. Matthias Pfeifer je član Generalne skupštine Gospodarske komore Düsseldorf.
Matthias Pfeifer, Dipl.-Ing. Arch., is the senior partner at the RKW Architektur +, a large and successful international architectural practice based in Düsseldorf, with expertise in architectural design, interior design, civil engineering, project management, site supervision and cost management. Matthias joined RKW in 1986, becoming a partner in 1992. In 1998, after the RKW+Partner was renamed to RKW Architektur + Städtebau GmbH & Co. KG, Matthias Pfeifer became a member of the management board and in 2000 managing partner. Over the years, Matthias' area of design work and expertise continuously grew (retail and office buildings, multiplex cinemas, urban planning). Another focus of Matthias Pfeifer's work was the introduction of the BIM planning method at the RKW, and he is also involved in various committees for the BIM implementation at the NRW and the Federal Chamber of Architects and also in the development of national standards in that field. Part of this is also the further development of the national fee regulation for architects and engineers, particularly in the field of BIM. Matthias is a member of the Representatives assembly and the Committee for Digitalization of the NRW Chamber of. He chairs the Design Advisory Board in Moers and is also a member of the Urban Design Committee in Essen. Matthias Pfeifer is a member of the General Assembly at the Chamber of Commerce Düsseldorf.

Carla Lima Vieira diplomirala je arhitekturu na Arhitektonskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Lisabonu, Portugal, 2002. Radi s tvrtkom Gonçalo Byrne Arquitectos od 2002., razvijajući urbanističke i arhitektonske studije i projekte različitih mjerila i programa za javne i privatne klijente. Od 2017. do 2019. Carla je bila članica Južnog regionalnog disciplinskog odbora Reda portugalskih arhitekata (OA), nakon što je prethodno bila vanjska izvjestiteljica Odbora (2015.-2017.). Godine 2020. Carla Lima Vieira izabrana je u Nacionalni upravni odbor OA-a na trogodišnje razdoblje. Kao glavna tajnica Nacionalnog upravnog odbora OA-a, također nadzire sve aktivnosti i postupke vezane uz stručne kvalifikacije, pristup profesiji i pravni okvir struke i arhitekture. Carla predsjeda Radnom skupinom za regulatorna pitanja i pitanja (RQI) Vijeća Europe (ACE), zagovarajući optimizaciju regulatornog okruženja, sudjeluje u Radnoj skupini za ACE-ovu Direktivu o profesionalnim kvalifikacijama, iskustvo u profesionalnoj praksi i stalno stručno usavršavanje (PQD-PPE-CPD), te je član Vijeća Unije arhitekata Mediterana (UMAR). Od 2022. Carla Lima Vieira članica je portugalskog Savjetodavnog odbora za umjetnička djela u javnim radovima.
Carla Lima Vieira graduated in Architecture from the University of Lisbon Faculty of Architecture, Portugal, in 2002. She has been working with Gonçalo Byrne Arquitectos since 2002, developing urbanistic and architectural studies and projects of various scales and programs for both public and private clients. From 2017 to 2019, Carla was a member of the South Regional Disciplinary Board of the Order of Portuguese Architects (OA), having previously served as the Board's external rapporteur (2015-2017). In 2020, Carla Lima Vieira has been elected to the National Directors Board of the OA for a three-year period. As the Secretary General of the OA's National Directors Board, she also oversees all activities and procedures related to professional qualifications, access to the profession and the legal framework of the profession and architecture. Carla also chairs Architects’ Council of Europe (ACE) Regulatory Questions and Issues (RQI) Workgroup, advocating optimization of regulatory environment, participates in the ACE’s Professional Qualifications Directive, Professional Practice Experience and Continuing Professional Development (PQD-PPE-CPD) Workgroup, and is a member of the Union of Mediterranean Architects' (UMAR) Council. Since 2022, Carla Lima Vieira is a member of the Portuguese Advisory Committee for Works of Art in Public Works.

Mima Suhadolc, Univ.Dipl.-Ing.Arch, registrirana je arhitektica i poslovna partnerica arhitektonskog ureda Air. Mima je diplomirala na Arhitektonskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Ljubljani 1998. godine, a stručnu praksu obavila je u Austriji. Samostalnu arhitektonsku praksu započela je 2000. godine, a 2012. godine osnovala je arhitektonski ured Air u partnerstvu s arhitektima Jožetom Peterkočem i Marjanom Zupancom. Mima Suhadolc je članica Društva arhitekata Ljubljane od 2002. godine, članica Slovenske zbornice za arhitekturu i prostorno planiranje (ZAPS) od 2010. godine, članica Arhitektonskog centra Instituta Dessa, Ljubljana (2010.-2012.) i članica utemeljiteljica Društva za prostorna pitanja Maja Farol (od 2012.). Članica je Izvršnog odbora Slovenske zbornice za arhitekturu i prostorno planiranje od 2019. Mima je (su)autorica mnogih nagrađivanih arhitektonskih natječaja, a specijalizirana je za restauraciju i obnove zgrada.
Mima Suhadolc, Univ.Dipl.-Ing.Arch, is a registered architect and managing partner of the Air architectural office. Mima graduated from the University of Ljubljana Faculty of Architecture in 1998, and completed her professional internship in Austria. She started independent architectural practice in 2000, and in 2012 established Air architectural office in partnership with architects Jože Peterkoč and Marjan Zupanc. Mima Suhadolc has been a member of the Ljubljana Society of Architects since 2002, member of the Slovenian Chamber of Architecture & Spatial Planning (ZAPS) since 2010, member of the Dessa Institute Architectural Center, Ljubljana (2010-2012), and a founding member of the Maja Farol Society for Spatial Issues (since 2012). She is on the Executive Board of the Slovenian Chamber of Architecture & Spatial Planning since 2019. Mima (co)authored many award winning architectural competition projects, and is specialized in built heritage restoration and renovation.
Frank Stasi, DI of Architecture, diplomirao je 2006. na Sveučilištu u Stuttgartu arhitekturu i urbanizam. Iste je godine upisan u Komoru arhitekata Baden-Württemberga. Od 2013. je član Komore arhitelkata Tirola i Vorarlberga. Od 2015. član je Centralnog udruženja arhitekata Austrije, a 2016. ured seli u Stuttgart. 2017. postaje honorarni asistent na Sveučilištu Lihtenštajna, Institut za arhitekturu i prostorni razvoj, pod vodstvom prof. Petera Stauba. Od 2020. je vanjski predavač na Sveučilištu Innsbruck, na Institutu za eksperimentalnu arhitekturu – visokogradnja, pod vodstvom univ. prof. Karolin Schmidbauer – Volk. Od 2021. seli ured u Innsbruck.
Frank Stasi, Dipl.-Ing.Arch., graduated in architecture and urban planning from the University of Stuttgart in 2006. The very same year he registered with the Chamber of Architects for Baden-Württemberg (Germany), and from 2013 has been a member of the Architects' Chamber for Tirol and Vorlarlberg (Austria). In 2017, Frank was appointed a teaching associate to the Prof. Peter Staub's Chair at the Institute for Architecture and Planning of the University of Liechtenstein. Since 2020, he is adjunct lecturer at the University of Insbruck, Faculty of Architecture, Department of Experimental Architecture, under Prof. Karolin Schmidbauer-Volk. Together with Rike Kress, Matthias Maier, Stefan Robanus and Maren Kröller, Frank Stasi is a founding partner of the ARSP Architekten, architectural partnership established in 2013, with international portfolio of projects that currently operates from Innsbruck. The work of ARSP Architects has received numerous awards: German Design Award, BIG SEE Award, Design Week Award, Best of the Year Award, Ecola Award, American Architecture Prize and others.

Alexandru Gavozdea diplomirao je na Sveučilištu za arhitekturu i urbanizam Ion Mincu u Bukureštu 2004., a 2007. magistrirao konzervaciju građevne baštine. Godine 2006. osnovao je arhitektonski ured A. Plan. Alexandru je ovlašteni urbanist i sudski vještak. Služio je kao rizničar Rumunjskog reda arhitekata (OAR), ogranak Sibiu-Vâlcea od 2010. do 2013. i bio je blagajnik OAR-a 2013.-2014., te predsjednik ogranka Sibiu-Vâlcea od 2014. do svibnja 2018. i predsjednik rumunjskog Reda arhitekata od 2018. do 2022. Kao član Nacionalnog vijeća OAR-a od 2010. do 2018. značajno je doprinio radnim skupinama OAR-a za definiranje stažiranja, mehanizam interne kontrole, brendiranje, proces transformacije i informacijski sustava troškova s modelom izračuna arhitektonskih honorara.
Alexandru Gavozdea graduated from the University of Architecture and Urbanism Ion Mincu in Bucharest in 2004 and received a Master degree in Conservation of Built Heritage in 2007. In 2006 he founded the architectural office A. Plan. Alexandru is certified urban planner and court appointed assessor. He served as treasurer of the Sibiu-Vâlcea chapter of the Romanian Order of Architects (OAR) from 2010 to 2013 and treasurer of the OAR 2013-2014, president of the Sibiu-Vâlcea chapter from 2014 until May 2018, and president of the Romanian Order of Architects from 2018 to 2022. As member of the OAR National Council from 2010 to 2018, he significantly contributed to the OAR workgroups for internship definition, internal control mechanism, branding, transformation process and the Cost Information System with its pre-calculus model for architectural fees.
Kornel Kobák, ing. arh., je arhitekt i urbanist, vlasnik arhitektonskog ureda FORFORM i suosnivač studija AVK ARHITEKTI. Diplomirao je na Arhitektonskom fakultetu Slovačkog tehničkog sveučilišta u Bratislavi. Njegov projektantski portfelj obuhvaća sve vrste pojekata I mjerila, od oblikovanja do prostornog uređenja, a radovi su mu nagrađivani na godišnjim nagradama CE.ZA.AR i Građevina godine, bio je nominiran za nagradu ARCH i nagradu Dušan Jurkovič. Kao prvi potpredsjednik Slovačke komore arhitekata (SKA), bavi se prakticiranjem standarda struke te područjima autorskog i ugovornog prava. Delegat je SKA pri Arhitektonskom vijeću Europe, predstavnik u Platformi za kreativnu i kulturnu industriju Slovačkog ministarstva kulture i stručni suradnik nacionalnog projekta Podrška razvoju kreativne industrije u Slovačkoj za arhitektonski sektor.
Kornel Kobák, Ing. arch., is an architect and urban planner, owner of the architectural office FORFORM and co-founder of AVK ARCHITECTS studio. He graduated from the Faculty of Architecture of the Slovak Technical University in Bratislava. His design portfolio includes all project types and scales, from design to spatial planning, and his works were awarded in the CE.ZA.AR and Construction of the Year competitions, nominated for the ARCH Award and the Dušan Jurkovic Award. As the 1st Vice-President of the Slovak Chamber of Architects (SKA), he deals with practice of the profession standards and the areas of copyright and contract law. He is a delegate of the SKA to the Architectural Council of Europe, a representative in the Platform for Creative and Cultural Industry of the Slovak Ministry of Culture and an expert collaborator of the Support for the Development of the Creative Industry national project in Slovakia for the architectural sector.

Profesorica Sarah Lupton, MA DipArch LLM FCArb CArb RIBA, je partner u uredu Lupton Stellakis, vodi katedru na Welsh School of Architecture te WSA's Master of Design Administration i diplomski semestar Profesionalne prakse. Kvalificirana je kao arhitektica i pravnica. Predaje o temama koje se odnose na građevinsko pravo i autorica je mnogih knjiga uključujući seriju o 'JCT ugovorima', 'Vodič za domaće i sažete ugovore o građenju RIBA', 'Cornesova i Luptonova odgovornost za oblikovanje u građevinskoj industriji' i 'Koji ugovor? 6. izdanje' (koautorstvo s Manosom Stellakisom). Sarah redovito doprinosi časopisu 'International Construction Law Review', djeluje kao arbitar, sudac i vještak u građevinskim sporovima, a istovremeno je predsjedavajuća CIC-ovog vijeća za odgovornost i CIC-ovog natječaja za odgovornost. Sarah je bila članica brojnih odbora RIBA-e, od kojih je bila zadnja predsjedavajuća Savjetodavnog odbora predsjednika RIBA-e za rješavanje sporova. Sarah je dva puta bila izabrana u Odbor za registraciju arhitekata (ARB), od 2006. do 2012., a tijekom tog vremena predstavljala je ARB u Vijeću arhitekata Europe (ACE). Bila je vanjski ispitivač za magisterij iz građevinskog prava i rješavanja sporova na Britanskom sveucilištu u Dubaiju, a trenutačno je vanjski ispitivač za Architects' Professional Examination Authority u Škotskoj. Sarah je u partnerstvu s Manosom Stellakisom u uredu Lupton Stellakis Architects od 1984. na projektima u Velikoj Britaniji, Francuskoj i Grčkoj.
Manos Stellakis, BSc DipArch MSc (Econ) RIBA, RIAS, partner je u uredu Lupton Stellakis i stručni konzultant na Welsh School of Architecture. Manos predaje i ispituje na brojnim arhitektonskim školama, uključujući AA, Bartlett, Sveučilište De Montefort, Sveučilište Westminster, WSA, i na RIBA-inom ADPPA. Manos je vanjski ispitivač za PGC Professional Practice in Architecture (ARC-PC-PP) Sveučilišta Queens u Belfastu. Bio je clan brojnih odbora uključujući RIBA-in Statutarni nadzorni odbor, RIBA-inu skupinu za kontrolu zgrada i tehničku revizijsku skupinu. Udruženja za istraživanje i informiranje građevinske industrije. Manos je koautor niza knjiga i radova sa Sarah Lupton, uključujući 'Koji ugovor? 6. izdanje', 'Specifikacija učinka: analiza trendova i razvoj konceptualnog okvira', 'Specifikacija učinka: vodič za njegovu pripremu i korištenje', 'Kroz labirint zakonodavstva: Očuvanje energije' i 'Kroz labirint zakonodavstva: Zdravlje i sigurnost' te su uredili seriju 'Legislation Maze', sve u izdanju RIBA Publications. Manos je koautor sa Sarom Lupton u nadolazecim 'Understanding Professional Services Contracts', koji će objaviti RIBA Publications. Član je u Odborima za oblikovanje, uključujući Bath, Cambridgeshire, Devon i Somerset, Essex, Kent, London, Oxfordshire, Staffordshire, Wiltshire, Winchester i Worcestershire.
Professor Sarah Lupton MA DipArch LLM FCArb CArb RIBA, is a partner in Lupton Stellakis, has a personal Chair at the Welsh School of Architecture and directs the WSA’s Master of Design Administration and the Diploma in Professional Practice. She is dual qualified as an architect and as a lawyer. She lectures widely on subjects relating to construction law and is the author of many books including a series on JCT contracts, Guide to the RIBA Domestic and Concise Building Contracts, Cornes and Lupton’s Design Liability in the Construction Industry, and Which Contract? 6th ed (co-authored with Manos Stellakis). Sarah contributes regularly to the International Construction Law Review, acts as an arbitrator, adjudicator and expert witness in construction disputes and is also chair of the CIC’s Liability Panel and the CIC Liability Champion. Sarah has been a member of a number of RIBA Committees including past chair of the RIBA’s President’s Advisory Committee on Dispute Resolution. Sarah has twice been elected to the Architects Registration Board (ARB), serving from 2006-2012, and during this time has also represented ARB on the Architects Council of Europe (ACE). She has been the external examiner for the MSc in Construction Law and Dispute Resolution at the British University in Dubai, and is currently the external examiner for the Architects' Professional Examination Authority in Scotland. Sarah has been in partnership with Manos Stellakis as Lupton Stellakis Architects since 1984 with projects in the UK, France and Greece.
Manos Stellakis BSc DipArch MSc(Econ) RIBA, RIAS, is a partner in Lupton Stellakis and Expert Consultant (past title, Distinguished Visiting Fellow) at the Welsh School of Architecture. Manos teaches and examines at a number of schools of architecture including the AA, Bartlett, De Montefort University, University of Westminster, WSA, and, at the RIBA’s ADPPA. Manos is the external examiner for Queens University Belfast’s PGC Professional Practice in Architecture (ARC-PC-PP). He has been a member of a number of Committees including the RIBA Statutory Controls Committee, the RIBA Building Control Group, and the Technical Review Group of the Construction Industry Research and Information Association. Manos has co-authored a number of books and papers with Sarah Lupton including Which Contract? 6th ed, Performance Specification: an analysis of trends and development of a conceptual framework, Performance Specification: a guide to its preparation and use, Through the Legislation Maze: Energy Conservation, and Through the Legislation Maze: Health and Safety and co-edited the Through the Legislation Maze series, all published by RIBA Publications. Manos is co-authoring with Sarah Lupton the forthcoming Understanding Professional Services Contracts, to be published by RIBA Publications. He is a member of a number of Design Review Panels, including Bath, Cambridgeshire, Devon and Somerset, Essex, Kent, London, Oxfordshire, Staffordshire, Wiltshire, Winchester and Worcestershire.

Axel Paulus, Dipl.-Ing.FH, dipl.Arch. ETH, viši je znanstvenik na Katedri za arhitekturu i proces gradnje na ETH Zürich, Odsjek za arhitekturu, gdje vodi grupu za obuku "Kompetencija za arhitekte i inženjere". U ulozi direktora, Axel se fokusira na integraciju istraživanja, podučavanja i prakse s ciljem da se informacije svih aspekata međusobno isprepliću, stvarajući tako holistički ciklus povratnih informacija. Radi na proučavanju i poboljšanju stavova i vještina svih glavnih dionika u procesu projektiranja i izgradnje uključenih u sektore građevinarstva i nekretnina. Organizacijski oblici, socioekonomske perspektive, modeli usluga i naknade konzultantima primarni su mu istraživacki interes. Axel Paulus je opsežno predavao, uključujući Sveučilište u Stuttgartu, Akademiju arhitekture u Mendrisiju, Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid i Sveučilište Jugoistok u Nanjingu (Kina). Registrirani je član Švicarskog društva inženjera i arhitekata (SIA), Zaklade švicarskih registara stručnjaka u inženjerstvu, arhitekturi i okolišu (REG A) te član nekoliko think tankova i regulatornih komisija. Axel Paulus je također bio predsjednik Društva za upravljanje i ekonomiju izgradnje (maneco), ranije poznatog kao Association suisse pour l'Economie de la Construction (AEC).
Axel Paulus, Dipl.-Ing.FH, dipl.Arch. ETH, is a senior scientist at the Chair of Architecture and the Building Process at ETH Zurich, Department of Architecture, where he heads the "Competence for Architects and Engineers" training group. In his role as director, Axel focuses on the integration of research, teaching and practice with the aim of allowing each of these aspects to inform each other, thus creating a holistic feedback cycle which aims to result in new insights. He works on studying and improving attitudes and skills of all the major stakeholders in the design and building process involved in the construction and the real-estate sectors. Organizational forms, socio-economic perspectives, service models and consultants' fees are his primary research interests. Axel Paulus has lectured extensively, including at University of Stuttgart, Academy of Architecture in Mendrisio, Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid, and Southeast University in Nanjing (China). He is a registered member of the Swiss Society of Engineers and Architects (SIA), the Foundation of the Swiss Registers of the Professionals in Engineering, Architecture and Environment (REG A), and a member of several think tanks and regulatory commissions. Axel Paulus was also president of the Society for Management and Building Economy (maneco), formerly known as the Association suisse pour l'Economie de la Construction (AEC).
Četvrtak, 13. listopada 2022. / Thursday, October 13, 2022
uvod / Introduction
Rajka Bunjevac (Hrvatska / Croatia)
Dubravko Bačić (Hrvatska / Croatia)
Axel Paulus (Švicarska / Switzerland)
Sarah Lupton i Manos Stellakis (Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo / UK)
Pauza / Coffee break
Carla Lima Vieira (Portugal)
Kornel Kobák (Slovačka / Slovakia)
Alexandru Gavozdea (Rumunjska / Romania)
Petak, 14. listopada 2022. / Friday, October 14, 2022
uvod / Introduction
Damir Mance (Hrvatska / Croatia)
Matthias Pfeifer (Njemačka / Germany)
Frank Stasi (Austrija / Austria)
Pauza / Coffee break
Mima Suhadolc (Slovenija / Slovenia)
Okrugli stol / Round-table discussion
Zaključci / Conclusions
Rajka Bunjevac, Dubravko Bačić, Damir Mance
+program je podložan promjenama
+the program is subject to change
Prema Programu stručnog usavršavanja HKA ovaj program se vrednuje s 8 (osam) akademskih sati.
Područje A = 6 sati
Područje D = 1 sat
Područje E = 1 sat