Predavanje Mladen Jadrića / Zvjezdani trenutak grada / četvrtak, 15.12.2022., 18.30 sati, Velika dvorana AF
Pozivamo vas na javno predavanje koje će u četvrtak, 15.12., održati austrijski arhitekt i profesor na TU Wien Mladen Jadrić. Predavanje ‘Zvjezdani trenutak grada’ će se održati u 18:30 u Velikoj predavainici na Arhitektonskom fakultetu, Kačićeva 26, Zagreb.
Predavanje nudi pregled arhitektonskih projekata koji su nastali u urbanim i ruralnim kontekstima Europe i Dalekog istoka. Oni su produkt posljednja dva desetljeća u kojima Mladen Jadrić predaje i radi kao arhitekt u Europi i Aziji. U potrazi za novim dojmovima i zadacima, pokrenuo je brojne istraživačke projekte s kineskim, korejskim i japanskim sveučilištima i uspio dokumentirati dalekosežne promjene koje se događaju u tim azijskim urbanim i ruralnim područjima. Projekti njegova ureda, JADRIC ARCHITEKTUR, kreću se od makro- do mikro-razmjera, a neki su dobili međunarodno priznanje. Mnogi azijski megapolisi trenutno traže odgovore na pitanje bliske budućnosti nakon COVID-a 19 i doba poznatog kao antropocen. Budući da će migracija i sve veća gustoća u urbanim područjima vjerojatno zadržati visok tempo u sljedećih nekoliko desetljeća unatoč neizvjesnim učincima na okoliš, važno je posvetiti se društveno relevantnoj arhitekturi, posebno u vertikalno rastućim azijskim gradovima. Unatoč svim kulturnim razlikama i zemljopisnim udaljenostima između Europe i Azije, sadašnji i budući urbani dizajneri mogu puno toga naučiti i podijeliti. Odabrani projekti duguju svoj uspjeh uskoj suradnji interdisciplinarnih, multinacionalnih timova.
The lecture gives an overview of architectural projects that came about in both urban and rural contexts in the Europe and Far East. They are the product of two decades in which Mladen Jadric has taught and worked as an architect in Europe and Asia. In search of new impressions and tasks, he initiated numerous research projects with Chinese, Korean, and Japanese universities and was able to document the far-reaching changes taking place in those Asian urban and rural areas. The projects of his office, JADRIC ARCHITEKTUR, range from a macro- to micro-scale, and some have received international acclaim. Many Asian megacities are currently seeking answers to the imminent post-COVID 19 future and the age known as the Anthropocene. Because migration and increasing density in urban areas are likely to maintain their high pace in the next few decades despite their precarious effects on the environment, it is important to commit oneself to socially relevant architecture, especially in the fast vertically-growing Asian cities. Despite all the cultural differences and geographical distances between Europe and Asia, there is a lot for current and future urban designers to learn and share. The selected projects owe their success to the collaboration of large interdisciplinary and multinational planning teams.
Mladen Jadric, Architect,
Ass.Prof. Dr.techn. Dipl.-Ing. TU Wien
Prakticira i predaje arhitekturu u Beču, Austrija. Osnivač je i voditelj tvrtke JADRIC ARCHITEKTUR ZT GmbH s obimnim opusom arhitektonskih i urbanističkih projekata, koji uključuje stambene objekte, obiteljske kuće, instalacije i eksperimente s novim materijalima i tehnologijama u Austriji, USA, Finskoj, Kini i Korejii.
Od 1997. godine predaje arhitektonsko projektiranje na TU Wien (Tehničko sveučilište u Beču), gdje je doktorirao pod mentorstvom Willa Alsopa, a stekao je bogato iskustvo kao gostujući profesor i gostujući predavač u Europi, SAD-u, Aziji, Australiji i Južnoj Americi.
Izlagao je na Royal Academy of Arts u Londonu, UK; sveučilišta MIT, Cooper Union i Roger Williams, SAD; Sveučilište Alvar Aalto, Helsinki, Finska; 2018. Arhitektonski bijenale u Veneciji, Italija; Svjetsko arhitektonsko trijenale u Tokiju, Japan; Muzej 20. stoljeća, Berlin, Njemačka; Bijenale arhitekture i urbanizma u Seulu, Južna Koreja; Nagoya Institute of Technology u Japanu i drugdje. Dobitnik je austrijske državne nagrade za eksperimentalnu arhitekturu, nagrade Karl Scheffel, nagrade Schorsch za stambenu arhitekturu grada Beča, nagrade časpoisa The Plan, velike nagrade gradonačelnika Busana, Republika Koreja.
Predsjedava arhitektonsku sekciju u “Künstlerhaus”-u, najstarijem udruženju umjetnika i arhitekata u Austriji. 2018.-2022. bio je zamjenik predsjednika sekcije arhitekata u Komori arhitekata i inženjera Beča, Donje Austrije i Gradišća.
Practices and teaches architecture in Vienna, Austria. He is the founder and principal of JADRIC ARCHITEKTUR ZT GmbH with a rich portfolio of architectural and urban design projects, including housing, residences, art installations and experiments with new materials and technologies in Austria, USA, Finland, China and Korea. Since 1997, he has been teaching architectural design at the TU Wien (University of Technology, Vienna), where he attaoned još doktorate under the mentorsship of Will Alsop, and has gained extensive experience as a visiting professor and guest lecturer in Europe, USA, Asia, Australia, and South America. He has exhibited at the Royal Academy of Arts in London, UK; the MIT, Cooper Union, and Roger Williams Universities, USA; Alvar Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland; the 2018 Architectural Biennale in Venice, Italy; the World Architectural Triennial in Tokyo, Japan; the Museum of the 20th Century, Berlin, Germany; the Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urban Planning, South Korea; the Nagoya Institute of Technology in Japan, and many more. He is a recipient of the Austrian State Award for Experimental Architecture, Karl Scheffel Preis and Schorsch Preis for housing architecture by the City of Vienna, The Plan Award, the Grand Prize by Mayor of Busan Metropolitan City, the Republic of Korea, to name just a few.
He is a chairman of the architectural section in “Künstlerhaus”, the oldest association of artists and architects in Austria. 2018-2022 he has been deputy section chairman of architects with the Chamber of Architects and Engineers of Vienna, Lower Austria and Burgenland.